165.118 jumps in 10 hours

12 rope skippers (8 from Belgium - also Maarten was jumping - and 4 Hungarians) did 10 hours double dutch speed the 24th of feb. In total they did 165118 jumps! The record was hold in Antwerp (Belgium) in the shopping mall. Pictures and movies will be soon online on www.ropeskipping.be

World Champs 2008 in South Africa?

The SAGF board voted positive to bid for hosting the next rope skipping world championships (2008) in Cape Town. The international rope skipping federation, FISAC will make a decision in May about which country wins the bid.

THANK YOU to PLAY2THINK; for making the bid presentation possible.

G' Day

Whats up everybody. Just want to remind you about the S.A.Gymnastic camp IN P.E. Its gonna be great. Hope to see everyone there. From Nicholas